Fine Grinding Products
Lapmaster Wolters is a recognized leader in providing world-class fine grinding products including superabrasive wheels, dressing stones, and parts carriers.
Fine Grinding Wheels
The fine grinding process produces flat lapping quality on a variety of materials without the expense and “mess” associated with lapping. Fine grinding produces material removal rates that are up to 20 times faster than lapping. Our grinding wheels incorporate the finest quality and extremely close-graded diamond, black CBN, and amber CBN in conjunction with our specially formulated vitrified and resin bonds. These special fine grinding wheels in combination with the use of the highest quality, closely graded super abrasive powders mean consistent quality for all parts ground.
Pellet type wheels come with configurations of round, square, or hexagonal pellets. They are available with spaces (grooves) between the pellets or with inter-pellet spaces filled to provide a smooth surface. Segmented wheels which appear as a solid grinding surface are also available. Grinding surface pattern, abrasive particle size, bond, and thickness of grinding media are all customized for your specific application.
Vitrified bonds are the longest lasting and easiest to control for flatness.
Resin bond wheels are provided with a solid segmented grinding surface. This surface can be either serrated or plain depending on the application. Resin wheels are suited for applications where minimal material removal and fine surface finish are required.
A variety of wheel diameters are available to suit your single-side or double-side fine grinding needs. Lapmaster Wolters fine grinding technicians are available to determine wheel specifications best suited for your specific application(s).
Dressing stones are available to suit all fine grinding wheel formulations and sizes.
Carriers, also known as work piece holder, discs, satellites, are used to separate fragile workpieces during fine grinding, lapping, and polishing operations to prevent damage.
With decades of extensive experience and continuous optimization and further development, we can offer best-in-class single-sided and double-sided carriers for almost any application.
Standard materials include:
- spring steel (strongest, most durable; for thin, precision components)
- steel with molded plastic inserts (for use in lapping and polishing silicon wafers and other sensitive electronic materials)
- G-10 (fiberglass reinforced, non-corroding, and non-water absorbing - ideal for thicker parts)
- PVC (for use with relatively thick parts)
- Lexan (for scratch-free fine polishing applications)
- Vinyl (most economical for short runs)
- Phenolic (resin-laminated cloth, for use with oil-based compounds)
The openings in the carriers are individually adapted to the respective workpiece geometry.